Sunday 14 June 2015

Coimbatore Divi-Secretary Massage

Respected LIAFI  Leaders,
Two pages uploaded on whatsapp need your kind attention please. Every LIAFIAN is circulating the info on Form 15 G / 15 H claimig that  

"Now there is no Tax Deduction on SB,Maturity on payment of Bima Bachat or any other plan."

But this exemtion is only for those individuals whose total income in that year is not taxable. PAN No. is to be submitted. If found by Tax authorities that individual's total income is taxable, then he may have to pay the penalty instead of exemption.

Regarding "Appointment Letter". The deadline date is 15th June to deposit old Licence and required documents for issue of "Appointment Letter" to existing Agents.

A general statement on the pros and cons of the new "Appointment Letter" system  from Centeral LIAFI shall put to to rest all the doubts and worries of all the Liafians.

Dear leaders, please clarify on both the issues so that all the Liafians can act as per guidelines of Central LIAFI Leadership' policy for their safe future.

Thanking You.
S. Natarajan,
Division Secretary

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